Mrs. Taste

Mrs. Taste Zero Calories Fine Herbs Salad Dressing (300ml)


Mrs Taste salad dressing will add flavor to your diet and guarantee delicious, more tasty and nutritious dishes.

It is indicated for any type of person: people who need a diet restricted in sodium, people physically active, people who seek a healthy life, and also, people with certain health weaknesses such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, among others , which require a reduction in sodium consumption.

It has 0% sodium, zero calories and its formula is free of preservatives.

Being healthy has never been so easy!

Add without moderation to your favorite snacks. Store in a cool, dry place, after opening store in refrigerator. Shake before using.

  • Rich in fiber.
  • No preservatives.
  • Zero Sodium.
  • Excellent Sugar substitute.
  • Versatile usage.
  • Does not influence the increase in Insulin / Blood Sugar.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
derrick w.

Its good

One of the Best

This is my favourite salad dressings. I use it in conjunction with the Ranch Dressing. Remember, it has no salt, so we have to dress whatever we have on hand to make things tastier. Any form of lemon helps with this.