Osmo Pharma

Aminolean (40 Servs)

$19.99 $26.99
$19.99 $26.99you save $7.00

Osmo Pharma Amino-Lean is the go-to product of every lean and shredded athlete.  The only Amino Infused Thermogenic true product to pack clinically proven effective ingredients to burn fat and keep a stable energy level throughout the day.  Weight loss also goes with a catabolic state and losing a bit of muscle.  But not with Amino-Lean!  This unique formula with added BCAA's has been studied and made to keep the whole body in an optimum state of weight loss and muscle growth during the whole process.

  • Clinically proven ingredients for weight loss.
  • Amino Infused Thermogenic formula.
  • A healthy level of caffeine and natural stimulants.
  • Added Carnitine Tartrate.
  • Added BCAA's to prevent catabolic state and muscle waste.
  • Optimal for Weight loss and tone-up goals.
  • B6-Vitamins & B12-Vitamins to repel fatigue.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review

    Je buvais toujours du redbull avant! Maintenant je bois juste ça... C'est une super bonne alternative et beaucoup plus santé en plus qu'il y a des Bcaa dedans!